
  • Fearsolitude

This project’s core idea is the hybrid nature of poetry itself. Oral and written poetry are very different, but they’re both built out of and building language. The separation between those two aspects of poetry is the wall, the obstacle that the story is breaking.The performative aspect is very important in this matter. The experiencers, through the story, and the input devices (microphone & keyboard) should feel this separation as a problem that they need to overcome, in a poetic world, via poetic means. The hybrid nature of poetry, obvious in the tools available to the performers, is also shown in the way both of the characters can relate. The writer is collecting, archiving some of the speaker’s words, and the speaker make cold written words dynamic, colorful and alive. Two different but unseparable way of building and feeding a vivid language.

This is a draft version of the disTense project.
This is optimized for a 4.0 .NET plat-form, available on windows XP, Vista, 7 & 8 via windows updates.

Since this is only a draft, you'll need a few more user instructions :

For the writer :
The keyboard only handles correctly regular keys of the keyboard, backspace, enter (to send) & escape (to exit)
= Don't use shift, caps-lock, alt nor ctrl.
You don't need to bother about accents or capital letters.

For the speaker :
The voice recognition isn't implemented, so you'll have to click instead of speaking.
On click, the program will act as if you just used the right keyword.

In the first textless screen, the writer needs to send anything (even an empty line)