Once upon a time, the inhabitants of the village lived happily together speaking the same language when all of a sudden, their language mutated into incomprehensible utterances. According to the legend, some creatures took their revenge on humans by contaminating their language with riddles and strange sounds. There are other texts that say that at first no one knew the Word, but in the codex missing several pages, which were burned or simply lost in time. According to some erudites, whose memory begins to fail, the people, afraid of the impossibility to understand each other, learnt about the source of this conflict: the so-called Tower of Jezik, the beginning and end of the problem they had been suffering for centuries. This construction whose origin no one remembers rises to the sky as a spiral, beyond the forest. It is made of huge stones that no individual could handle, and seems not to have an entrance door. In the village you can feel its power, though nothing and no one still alive can secure its material existence. So the Tower saved the language? or language created the Tower?